Over the last year I have become totally obsessed with weaving and Woven wall art. These beautiful pieces are handmade by the talented Rhiannon of Ghost Dancer and I am sure you will agree are absolutely stunning!
The collection has literally just launched online, so here to explain her work in more detail is Rhiannon
"There are two collections, the first is the mica collection which is fiber art and mica comprised. The second,Woven: is a collection of the past years work I have been experimenting with. I've been studying weaving for 1.5 years and I was taught how to weave in the Saori manner. Saori is a zen practice of weaving that commenced during the late 1960's in Japan. The philosophy is a beautiful, resonating path that allows the weaver to weave in beauty and freedom, without ever encountering mistakes. All is intentional and even within the slides from the perfectionist eye, the weaving tells it's very own story. It's become my practice of slowing down, listening and allowing the momentum of what is to take me, rather than attempting to force.
The majority of my work is comprised of luxury yarns, many of which were gifted to me by my boyfriend's family. His aunt was a renown weaver in New Mexico who had her own facilities to weave, spin and hand dye her fibers. When she passed several years ago, his family acquired many of her specialty and hand spun yarns. When I spent the past Christmas with them and shared my new found love for one of the oldest traditions in the world, they quietly left two gigantic boxes of his aunt's fibers. Much of what I do, whether jewelry or weaving, comes from a traditional manner of connecting to the ancestors, listening to the ways in which they advise to slow down, put my hands and heart into the work with care and aspiration that these will one day be passed down to my family and my friends families."