I am really pleased to announce that Moon to Moon won the Best Design Inspiration Award at the Amara Interior Blog Awards 2014!!
I have to say I was genuinely surprised to have won as I was up against some really fabulous Interior blogs. Sadly I couldn't make the awards ceremony as it wasn't really a suitable event for a 5 month old breast fed baby, I was even more upset when I saw all the photos on Instagram and Twitter, looks like everyone had such a great evening.... although as you might have guessed from the lack of photos/information about me on Moon to Moon, I am a little Shy so my acceptance would have been very cringey.... So....
...I would like to say a massive thank you to Amara and the Judges for the award and to Mariska Meijers for sponsoring the category...... But most importantly I would like to thank all my readers, not just those that voted, but those who have made Moon to Moon a really enjoyable project for me over the years. I am really humbled that people out there read it..
So thank you
xx Gabi xx