Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

New Moon: Bohemian Nursery Inspiration... Wall Hangings


Bohemian Nursery Inspiration: Vintage Egyptian Wall hanging brought from a Thrift store
Bohemian Nursery Inspiration: An Indian Toran hangs above the simple painted Cot
Wool Wall hanging
Wall hanging from Bobo Chooses
With a little-un due in May, 2014 promises to be a year of great change for me, so how funny that the year should start on an auspicious New Moon :)

I was thinking about starting a separate blog for storing all my baby inspiration, but that is what Pinterest is for. So I thought I might start a new collection of posts on Nurseries on Moon to Moon instead, starting with a post on these beautiful wall hangings.

If like me you aren't a very cutsey, cutsey Pink for girls and Blue for boys type, an unusual colorful wall hanging can really liven up a room, in a more gender-neutral (I hate that term, but cant think of any other way of putting it..baby-brain) way. Not only that but they aren't saccharine-sweet babyish, which has got to be a bonus!!

I have started a little list of my favorite mummy blogs, shops and sites... If any of you lovely readers have any recommendations please comment below.... it is a whole new World for me :)

xx GAbi xx

P.S I would like to apologize to anyone who has sent me emails in the last month. I got a new ipad a couple of days ago and a zillion emails came through that I hadnt seen.... i am not ignoring you I promise

New Moon: Bohemian Nursery Inspiration... Wall Hangings Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: yourhomeart
