Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

The Bright Bohemian Home of.... Pato and Pablo in Buenos Aires


The Bright Bohemian Home of.... Pato and Pablo in Buenos Aires

This house is just awesome isn't it? I am smitten!! It is the home of Pato and Pablo in Buenos Aires found on Interiors blog Casa Chaucha. 
If you havent checked it out I urge you too. The whole site is beautiful..

P.s... I have been a little absent lately for which I apologise, I am 30 weeks pregnant and I am struggling sitting down/ lying down/standing in any one position for too long which makes blogging hard
xx Gabi xx

The Bright Bohemian Home of.... Pato and Pablo in Buenos Aires Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: yourhomeart
